Thursday, May 24, 2012

Another day, another note, another song

Sitting on the floor of my apartment with my laptop in front of me, I felt like tonight it was about time to get my buns in gear and write another blog post. I'm really going to try hard and keep at the blog thing this summer. I've always wanted to be a writer, but I suppose in order to do that I actually have to write!

In my last post I was six weeks before my half marathon. Unfortunately, I was not able to complete the run due to a hip flexor issue that flared up. I haven't run for about a month now, but I have taken up biking and swimming while I give my poor joints a break. Well, there's a group of people at work that are doing the Pewaukee Half Marathon in July. I've declined to participate...that was until today. I was swimming laps in the pool this morning and decided to see if I could swim the tri distance (.25 miles). 9 laps later I was well on my way to being convinced to do the tri.

Anyone who knows me know how much I love a good sale, and a tri-suit was on clearance for about $ I took the plunge, bought the suit, and signed up for tri. Races this summer? Pewaukee Sprint Triathlon on July 8 and the Brewers Mini on September 22. I think I'm also going to participate in the Susan G. Koman race on September 23, but probably the 5k walk since it is the day after the Brewers mini.

I'm looking forward to have some things to focus my workouts on for the summer. And to have some major events to focus on for the summer. That's all for now. Bedtime...5:30am workouts come early!