Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 11...a mess of thoughts

Sometimes I sit down to write my daily blog post and the words flow freely around me, just like water pouring out of a jar. But I'm discovering that some days it's as difficult as deciding what to eat at night. Plenty of options, but you're not necessarily in the mood for any of it. I find that to be true many options to write about, but just not really in the mood for any of it.

Sigh. So what words of significance can I leave with some of my readers on today...10-11-12? I would encourage you to read the words of someone other than myself. I'm pretty active on the social media sites. On Twitter® I follow an account called Positively Positive (@PosPositive). And a lot of times their tweets are just short little inspirational snippets that I like to read to get me through the day. But one tweet in particular recently struck me. It linked to an article on their website called "7 Lessons Learned from a 7 Year Old." It's a fairly short read, will probably take you about 7 minutes to finish at the most. But things I think can truly make a difference in your life.

That's all for tonight. Until tomorrow...


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