With my less than stellar running the past two weeks, has come a less than stellar diet. When you're physically and mentally exhausted, it's really easy to succumb to the quick and easy food (I'm looking at you mac and cheese!). But that doesn't help you at all, because you aren't getting what your body needs to reboot! My one standby that I hold onto for dear life is sleep. And I held onto that like there was no tomorrow!

I've decided that I'm going to try and update the blog once a week. This seems to be a reasonable and attainable goal. Each week I'll list three goals that I'm focusing on for the week. If you need an extra helping of this crazy cat, head on over to my Instagram account. Each run or workout usually gets its own post. I've also been known to frequent the brunch scene, travel, and/or display my love and obsession for good coffee. You know, just to keep it interesting.
The end goal is the marathon. It seems like a lofty and attainable goal all at once. Usually when people hear that I'm training for a marathon they either thing I'm completely crazy and ask why anyone would ever want to run that far, OR they are super excited and ask about my training and why I decided to run a marathon. (But I'll save that last one for another blog post). Just to keep the training interesting with some cross training, I'm going to be throwing a spring tri in there as well at the beginning of August. This isn't my first tri (and most definitely NOT my last), and the goal is simply to finish. One of the best ladies that I know got me into triathlons about four years ago. Feel free to follow her race to her first ever Ironman! She'll be completing her race a day before my marathon. She's my go to for anything and everyone triathlon related, whether it's matters of the bike or matters of the heart. She makes sure that I always #rememberwhyyoustarted. What a peach.
Here are the races I'm currently signed up for:
Registered Races:
Saturday, May 30 FroYo 5k in Scottsdale, AZ (actually a 10k for me)
Thursday, July 9 Storm the Bastille in Milwaukee, WI
Sunday, August 2 Solana Beach Tri in San Diego, CA
Sunday, October 4 Lakefront Marathon in Milwaukee, WI
And last, but certainly not least, here come the weekly goals. Hold on folks, we're in for quite the ride! (or swim, or run...)
Weekly Goals:
- Water, water, water...yourself and the squash you planted today.
- Log all training miles for the week. (Tu: 2mi, Wed: 3mi, Th: 2.5mi, Sat: 5.5mi...total of 13 miles)
- Green smoothie breakfasts, greek yogurt + granola snacks.
Live. Laugh. Love.
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