Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 9...Goals for 2012 (or what's left of it)

Last January I sat down with my notebook like millions of others across the world, reflected on the events of the year coming to a close, and started to make resolutions for 2012. However, I decided that instead of resolutions I decided to make a list of goals for this year. That way if I wasn't able complete something, I can move it to be a goal for 2013 and not feel bad about it. Ha! So I thought I would share my list. I've pulled it out a couple of times throughout the year to see if I’m on course with my goals. This comes directly from my journal from January 1, 2012.

Goals for 2012
-          No pop until May 5, 2012. This is something I’ve really proud of, I’ve actually basically eliminated pop from my diet completely. (Yes, I’m from Wisconsin so I know that it’s soda, but my mom is from Michigan so it was pop growing up.) And I can honestly say that I don’t really miss it at all. Sure, every once and awhile I miss the occasional 4pm Diet Coke from the vending machine at work. But now I have more quarters to do laundry, I have less syrupy garbage in my body (and actually get kind of sick to my stomach when I drink it), and now instead of Diet and Malibus I’m a proud Spotted Cow drinker (which really…doesn’t beer contain more “natural” ingredients than pop?). CHECK!
-          Run a half marathon. This is a work in progress. I signed up for two half marathons this year, and unfortunately due to injury I have to withdraw from both of them. The Wisconsin Marathon/Half Marathon in May that I signed up for I had strained my hip flexor. Following that I signed up for the Brewers Mini at the end of September. The training was going well until about three weeks before the race when my back started cramping badly. I ended up at a chiropractor and withdrawing from the race. The positive in this situation is that the organization allowed me to defer my race fee to next year. So Saturday, September 28 I will be running my first half marathon.
-          Kiss someone who is worth it. This goal came after a long string of frustrating dates. I still can't understand why you would just stop calling someone. Grow up, put your big boy pants on, and just be honest. Bah. Fortunately I was able to take care of this goal pretty quickly. CHECK!
-          Give people the benefit of the doubt. I think I’ve done this more in the last six months than I ever have in my life. Also has forced me to let go of control of things that probably aren’t in my control anyway. But definitely something I will continue to work one. CHECK!
-          Get together with Amy once a month. Oh Ams.  Here’s one where I’ve for sure fallen short. Maybe we need a Saturday morning coffee date once a month. Maybe we can drag Schlicht along.
-          Don’t take things personally. Yeah, this is something I struggle with, more so than I actually realized. BUT! That’s what life is about…learning about yourself and growing and moving forward.
-          Let go of anger. I think this year the biggest thing that I’ve learned about dealing with anger is that when I get upset about something the first hour is the worst. (And I’m talking about big things to be angry over…not just that my favorite pen ran out of ink or anything.) So I just need to walk away from whatever is frustrating me (usually the source of any anger I have), get some perspective, and then deal with whatever it is in person.
-          Use the struggles and obstacles in life as positives, not negatives. Also something I’m continuing to do. I think this year I’ve realized that the problems/difficulties in my life also come with lots of blessings. For example (this is made up…not referencing any person or event) Let’s say I’d get into a fight with my friends. Bad: Fight with friends. Good: I have friends to fight with, I have friends that care enough about me to be passionate about what they believe is right, I have an opportunity to sit down and work through some things.
-          Look for the good. Seek to understand. Be gentle. Sort of a continuation of the last goal…and something that will continue to be a goal.
-          Go to a Packers game. AUGH! I want to go to one SO BADLY! I’ve never been to a game at Lambeau before. Love the Packers, love football, love A-Rog. I mean seriously, I went to 27 Brewers games this year. Time to get my buns to Lambeau.
-          Write 3 pieces of music. Yeah, about that…
-          See a Broadway show. Lion King. On Broadway in New York. LOVED IT. Amazing. Can’t wait to go back…who’s with me?
-          Read a book a month. This goal actually got modified to read 10 books this summer. I think I’m sitting at 8 completed with a couple more ready to be read when I have the time. This feels like another blog post coming down the line…
-          Write down my thoughts more often. I’m working on it! 8 days in and doing pretty well!
-          Electronic detox once a month. Here is one that I need to make a better effort at. All electronic devices shut off for a whole day. Definitely hasn’t happened once a month, but also working on this. But along the same lines, I have had some makeup free Saturdays…
-          Eat more fruit. Yum! This I for sure have done…LOVE fruit. CHECK!
-          Finish 2012 without credit card debt. Stay tuned, I’ll let you know in December.
-          Be a good listener. Also something I’m continuing to work on…
-          Play more piano. I have failed miserably at this goal as well. I need to play more…I just love it and it centers me. But if I had been successful at all of my goals for the whole year in October, I wouldn’t really have much to work on for the last three months of the year.

So there you have it. Like I said in my other post, I’m a work in progress. And speaking of progress…time to head home and get ready for the Beth Orton concert at Turner Hall with some lady friends. I’m not familiar with her at all, but it’ll be a fun night on the town. Enjoy today's someecard...this one is for all my lady friends. You stay classy Milwaukee!


  1. OMG, girl! I will make sure you get to a Packer game when I am back! How did I not know you've never been to a game?! I would have taken you sooner!
