They say that if you can consistently complete a task for a whole month, you’ve created a habit for life. Clearly “they” have never met me. I managed to blog every day for the entire month of October and effectively fall off the face of the blogosphere for most of November and all of December. Now, twenty-two days into a new year, I’m attempting a revival. Time to get back into blogging and attempted entertainment. I can’t promise how often I’ll be able to jump on here or how entertaining it will be, but have no fear…an effort will be made.

A couple of years ago I started making New Year’s
resolutions. After a few years of failed resolutions halfway through the year
(ok, I lied…it was more like the end of January or February) I changed my
thinking. Instead of resolutions that make you feel like a failure, I started
making goals to work on throughout the year or longer if necessary. If you
caught my goal
progress report blog from last October, you know exactly what I’m talking

Looking back, that was quite an ambitious list of goals for
myself. Some of the goals (see a Broadway show) I knocked out of the park.
Others were modified (run a half marathon? I did a 5k, 8k, 15k, and triathlon
but wasn’t able to get that half done. September 2013 will hopefully check that
off my list). And others just didn’t happen this year (no Packers game for me…and
those three piece of music are still floating in my head). But looking back
over 2012 I can honestly say that even though I wasn’t able to “check off” all
of my goals, I experience more new things and learned more about myself,
relationships, men, and life in general than I ever anticipated.
Before the New Year started I was chatting with one of my
good friends about what we wanted to change in the new year, our resolutions
(or goals if you will). After quite the wild ride of a year (laughter, tears, adventure,
discovery, change, etc.), I decided that I was going to simplify my goals for
2013 down to only one goal and two words:
I want to live a life where if someone asks me, “How are
you?” I can reply with “I’m happy.” Well jeez Andrea, how do you just be happy?
You can’t just press a button and have a life that you’re happy with. It’s not
that easy. Correct as usual King Friday! (10 points to whoever can name the
show that comes from…Your hint? I hear it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood…)
It’s a great opportunity to actually stop and think about what it is that makes
you happy. Here’s what makes me happy:
- Feeling confident about myself.
- Having a job that doesn't feel like work.
- Loving people.
Four things. I can keep four things in check on the
happiness meter, right? It might be harder than you think. I’m finding that each
one of those four things comes with lots of subcategories. But stay tuned! I’ll
tell you all about them, and what I’m doing to maintain “be happy.” I can only
imagine that I’m in for another roller-coaster of a ride. 2013 for the win…